Sunday, March 16, 2008

black birds, an ancient hook, a ground hog, and a flock of geese

Here is a flock of black birds screeching as they pass on a grey, drizzling, colorless early spring day. Hitchcockian.Ominous.

Here is an ancient hook swaying on an antique rope in a dark barn.

Jeeze, what is this? Halloween?

Okay, how about some dogs now?

Here is the general yard shot.

Here are the Wiemerieners. More of these two to come.

A toot: Princess, Edith, Freya, Sophie, Lulu, Matilda. Geese flying over, running in and out of hay bales... here and here.

Jack, AndyWalter, Theo. Here. And here.

Here the dogs find a live ground hog residence. Or a fox. I suspect ground hog. They get pretty excited.

More Weimerieners here.

What is this one actually? Here.

Enough dogs. How about a snowman? Here.

Or a cow.

Or a baby.

Or all of that.

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