I have to hold the on/off switch and press the play/record button on the screen at the same to record. Plus all these dogs and the broken tripod and it's frustrating to get this video done.
I will get a new more durable camera probably -- since they seem to get knocked around.A new battery might help but I'm not sure if it will or not. I haven't found a "shockproof" camera, as they call them, that takes good video, is fairly small, and isn't a lot of money. In fact, there only seem to be professional grade (around $2000) which would be too big if I could afford that and generic, around $300 but with lousy reviews for video quality. So, then I could buy another one just like the one I have, used, and try to cobble the two together. Whatever I do, it'll have to wait until January.
Anyway, I can do better and more comprehensive video when the camera actually works, damn it.
It's too cold to stay out for very long or to operate a video camera... so we're not doing a nice video today. Today's mission is just to stay clean and warm. Thank you.