Friday, February 20, 2009

mickey hates swings, panko chases jim truck, hunter supposedly bites Ollie

Everyone is fine, despite some chaos. Mickey didn't manage to get hit on by the swing. Panko came back after chasing Jim's truck down the driveway. Ollie says Hunter bit him on the cheek but he's fine. It kind of hurt, he says. "Horsey rides" (or something like that) with Layla. Moki tries to knock me over. I think that's what we've got in this one, plus tons of other stuff... another day at the dog camp.


Anonymous said...

How are krinkle and tola? We'd love to see them. Can't view the vimeo videos, only the YouTube ones. Best, jenna and jaime

Anonymous said...

I'm trying to see Crinkle and Tola too! I'm the Grandma in Nyack...
Are they ok? Do they ever get to get out and run around in the yard?
Gma DD